Zofran - Ondansetron
Nausea or Vomiting
8 mg = (two) 4 mg tablets ODT x 1 SO
4 mg IV, repeat in 3 min
***Do Not give for Known or Suspected Pregnancy***
Nausea or Vomiting
4 mg = one 4 mg tablet ODT x 1 SO (4 - 14 years old is considered Peds)
***No Zofran under 4 years old***
- Nausea or vomiting
- Known Liver Disease: Hepatitis, Liver CA, Cirrhosis, etc…
- Known allergy to 5-HT3 antagonists (Antiemetics)
- Parkinson’s disease currently taking apomorphine (ApokynT, UprimaT)
- Hx of PKU (phenylketonuria)
- Hx unreliable or unobtainable
- Known of suspected Pregnancy***
- Onset 10-30 min.
- Do not allow moisture to come into contact with tablet prior to placement into patient’s mouth.
- OK to administer to n/v associated with cardiac chest pain, stroke, pregnancy, & abd pain.
- Use with caution on females that are or could be pregnant BHC.
ODT = Orally Disintegrating Tablet