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V-Fib or Pulseless V-Tach / Wide Complex Tach


New UPDATED 10/1/2021

Initiate an organized approach to CPR with responders in designated positions



Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

CPR --- 0 minute CPR

High Quality CPR without interruption unless pulse obtained

Witnessed Arrest - Consider passive ventilation for 6 min.

Un-witnessed Arrest - BVM / ETCO2 or Supraglottic airway unless:

ET indicated (Laryngeal edema from smoke inhalation)

Continue compression for approx. 2 min., then reassess

Place patient at 30 degrees - Semi-fowler if possible (ACCD)

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

SHOCK --- 2 minute Shock #1

Defibrillate once at Zoll (120j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (200j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

►IV/IO vascular access without interruption of CPR

Continue High Flow O2  / BVM with ETCO2 or Supraglotic Airway with ETCO2

Apply Automatic Chest Compression device when available before movement

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

SHOCK --- 4 minute Shock #2 

Defibrillate once at Zoll (150j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (200j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

DRUG --- 5 minute Epi #1

Maintain CPR 2 min

Epinephrine 1 mg IV / IO (0.1 mg /1mL), approximately every 3-5 minutes

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

SHOCK --- 6 minute Shock #3

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

DRUG --- 7 minute Amio/Lido #1

Amiodarone 300 mg IV / IO, may repeat 150 mg IV / IO in 3-5 minutes


Lidocaine 1mg/kg IV / IO, may repeat 0.5 mg/kg IV / IO in 3-5 minutes

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

SHOCK --- 8 minute Shock #4

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

DRUG --- 9 minute Epi #2

Epinephrine 1 mg IV / IO (0.1 mg /1mL), approximately every 3-5 minutes

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

SHOCK --- 10 minute Shock #5

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT: 

INTUBATION --- 11 minute Intubation / Bicarb

Intubate with minimal interruption of CPR after 10 min of CPR

Sodium Bicarbonate 50 mL IV / IO

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT: 

SHOCK --- 12 minute Shock #6

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

DRUG --- 13 minute Amio/Lido #2

Amiodarone 150 mg IV / IO


Lidocaine 0.5 mg/kg IV / IO

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT: 

SHOCK --- 14 minute Shock #7

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

DRUG --- 15 minute Epi #3

Epinephrine 1 mg IV / IO (0.1 mg /1mL), approximately every 3-5 minutes

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT: 

SHOCK --- 16 minute Shock #8

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT: 

SHOCK --- 18 minute Shock #8

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT:

DRUG --- 19 minute Epi #4

Epinephrine 1 mg IV / IO (0.1 mg /1mL), approximately every 3-5 minutes

Maintain CPR

Coarse VF / Pulseless VT: 

SHOCK --- 20 minute Shock #9

Defibrillate once at Zoll (200j)  /  Philips (150j)  /  Lifepack (360j)

Fine VF = continued compressions

Maintain CPR

Decision Point

1) Remain on scene and continue with treatment (Refer to 2 or 3 after 30 min.)

2) Initiate transport to nearest ERC

3) Base Contact for further orders or pronouncement of patient in the field


If prior to transport the pt develops a rhythm with pulse:
Make BHC for possible transport to Cardiovascular Receiving Center (CVRC)

 → Assess for and correct suspected:

Hypoxia, Hypovolemia, Hypoglycemia, and Hypothermia

Interruption of chest compressions should always be held to a minimum.
Pads can be placed in the antero-lateral and antero-posterior positions;
For implanted pacemaker/defibrillator place pads to either side and not directly on top of the implanted device. For medication patch: remove patch, wipe area clean before attaching an electrode pad.

1:10,000 = 0.1mg/mL

1:1000 = 1mg/mL

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