If patient presents with known or suspected source of infection, such as:
Cough suggestive of pneumonia
Complaint of urinary tract problems in past or present
Skin infection
Known to be immune suppressed
If any two of the following three symptoms are present:
Altered Mental Status (GCS < 13) and / or
Systolic blood pressure < 100 mm Hg and / or
Respiratory rate > 22/min
Pulse oximetry < 95% - High flow O2 by mask or NC at 6 l/min
Fluid Bolus:
- BP < 100 systolic and lungs clear to auscultation (no CHF or pulmonary edema): 250mL NS bolus - MR to max of 1 liter to maintain perfusion.
- If BP < 90 systolic after 1 liter of NS or if evidence of CHF, BHC
ALS Escort to nearest, early notification to hospital that patient may be septic
qSOFA - quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
- Frequent site sources of infection: pulmonary, urinary tract, and skin/soft tissue.
- Caution with persons who have suppressed immune systems or increased risk of sepsis.
- Caution with fluid overload if history of CHF or renal disease – avoid fluid overload.
- Contact Base of signs of Pulmonary Edema develop.