Narcan - Naloxone
Suspected Narcotic OD with Respirations < 12/min:
0.8, 1, or 2 mg IM / IN. Repeat every 3 min prn
0.4 - 1 mg IV. Repeat every 3 min prn
4 mg/0.1 mL IN Preload Nasal Spray every 3 min prn (Police / Bystander Dosing / EMT)
Suspected Narcotic OD with Respirations < 12/min:
0.1 mg/kg IM / IN, (max single dose of 1 mg) Repeat every 3 min to a max of 1 mg
0.1 mg/kg IV (max single dose of 1 mg) Repeat every 3 min to a max of 1 mg
- Suspected narcotic overdose in patients with respirations ≤ 12/min
- Watch for respiratory depression and coma, duration of narcotic action may exceed that of Narcan
- Titrate to an adequate respiratory rate and tidal volume
- If Narcan administered by PD PTA, ALS evaluation and transport is indicated. Have PD information documented on the ePCR (Name, Badge, Time, Dose, and Patient status)
- Bleeding from nose, trauma, and excessive mucus.
IN: Instill rapidly, 1/2 dose per nostril, 1 cc max per nostril, per dose