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iGel airway


- Primary airway for an unconscious adult/adolescent lacking a gag reflex

- Advanced airway if Intubation is anticipated to be difficult

- Advanced airway when intubation is likely to cause interruptions in compressions

- Advanced airway when intubation is unsuccessful 



- Patient under 50kg

- Responsive patients with an intact gag reflex

- Patients with known esophageal disease

- Patients who have ingested caustic substances

- Known narcotic OD

- Laryngectomy patient with stoma

- Airway obstruction

- Oral trauma

- Ability to maintain airway without invasive procedure


- iGel Airway

- Water based lubricant

- ETCO2 device (use for pts. with perfusing rhythms)

- ET holder

- Suction catheter

- Oxygen


- Stethoscope



  1. Choose correct iGel based on size of patient:

    • Size 4 - 50kg - 90kg (110lbs - 200lbs)

    • Size 5 - Greater than 90kg (200lbs +)

  2. Suction, Ventilate pt. with 100% O2 prior to insertion.

  3. lubricate iGel on the protective cradle.

  4. Place head in neutral position “Sniffing position”

  5. Grasp lower jaw with thumb and index finger and lift.

  6. Introduce the soft tip of the iGel into the mouth with opening towards the chin.

  7. Insert the device downwards and backwards along the hard palate until resistance is met.

  8. Do not force the tube.  If the tube doesn’t advance easily, redirect it or withdraw and reinsert.

  9. Ventilate and confirm placement with auscultation and End Tidal CO2 monitoring.

  10. Secure iGel with large tube holder.

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