Scabies is a fairly common infectious disease of the skin caused by a mite. Scabies mites burrow into the skin producing itchy pimple-like irritations or burrows
Mode of Transmission:
Direct Contact
Examples of Transmission:
Scabies mites are transferred by direct skin to skin contact. Indirect transfer from undergarments or bedclothes can occur only if these have been contaminated by infected people immediately before contact. A person is able to spread scabies until mites and eggs are destroyed by treatment.
Signs and Symptoms:
Intense itching; particularly at night.
Pimple like irritations on: webs and sides of the fingers, around the wrists, elbows, armpits, waist, thighs, genitalia, nipples, breasts and lower buttocks.
Short, zigzag or S-shaped, lines or burrows will also appear.
Sores may be caused by a secondary bacterial infection from scratching
General Post Exposure Treatment:
The typical treatment for scabies involves applying 5% permethrin cream or lotion to the entire body from the neck down. The cream or lotion is left on for 8-14 hours and then washed off and then a second treatment may be needed a week later. Close contacts, including all family members, should also be treated at the same time.
You may also need treatment for the rash. This can include topical steroid creams, oral antihistamines, and other anti-itch treatments.
Since the mites can live for 48-72 hours on clothing, bedding, towels, etc., they should be washed in hot water and then dried in a hot dryer. Things that can't be washed can be placed in a plastic bag for a few weeks to make sure the mites have died. Furniture and carpeting should also be vacuumed carefully.
Paperwork Required:
The City “Report of Employee Injury” form
Medical Service Order- RM -67 (when medical care is required)