Home Page
This website is packed with information and quick references for the Orange County Paramedic. Each section covers a group of related topics for reference in the field.
Use the links to the right for jumping directly to the related sections or use the menu bar on top.
Any updates that are released will have the old policy and the new policy clearly defined until the new policies are completely adopted.
OCEMS Update
Fall 2019
New 2019 Updates
Click Here for a Summary of the New OCEMS Updates for October 2019
New Update - Los Alamitos is no longer OB Receiving
Quick Link Section
This section is packed with quick reference material for the Paramedic in the Field. There is an Adult Drug Standing Orders page that references the I-15 chart set up by OCEMS. The Pediatric Drug Calculators take you directly to the specific pharmacology pages that address the indications and contraindications of each drug. This page will continue to grow as the site expands.
Base Hospital Contact
The Base Contact sections is an overview of the Drugs, Procedures, and Circumstances in which a Paramedic would need to make Base Hospital Contact.
Base Hospital Contact (BHC) refers to situations where contact needs to be made during the call, for instance; all Trauma calls are Base Hospital Contact calls, but you can start treating the patient prior to contacting.
Base Hospital Order (BHO) refers to situations that need permission from the Base Hospital before performing. An example of this would be Push Dose Epi.
The Pharmacology section take a deep dive on each medication used by Orange County Paramedics. Each drug page has a Standing Order section at the top, followed by Indications, Contraindications, and Special Circumstances. The Adult and Pediatric sections are separated, including indications for each. The bottom of each page has a Pediatric Drug calculator that gives the Dose and Volume of each drug.
The Criteria section take a look at criteria set up by Orange County EMS for various situations you might deal with in the EMS field.
Each Page addresses specific situations that Paramedics and EMTs will deal with in the field. Each page has a link to the related topic on the OCEMS website.
The Algorithm section lays out a step by step process for different types of calls. Drugs and Procedures are discussed in the order in which they are performed on the call.
These Algorithms are not a replacement for common sense, if a patient is presenting with unique signs and symptoms that do not fall within the normal call type, Base Hospital Contact could be warranted.
The Procedures section covers the Clinical Procedures set up by Orange County EMS. Each topic has a video demonstration attached where appropriate.
Communications are an important part of the Pre-Hospital setting. This section gives the contact numbers of EMS personnel in the field.
BLS Kardex
The BLS section of the Kardex is uniquely set up to cover the BLS policies and procedures in Orange County.
These Policies and Procedures are those covered by the expanded scope in Orange County for EMTs.