C. Auris - Candida Auris
Candida auris (C. auris) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is C. auris and why is it important now?
C. auris is a newly identified, highly drug-resistant fungus
It is difficult to treat and is associated with high morbidity and mortality
C. auris can colonize patients’ skin and other body parts months after active infection has resolved
This is an emerging organism and the cases in Kindred Santa Ana are the first to be reported in Southern California
How do I know if my patient is at risk for C. auris infection?
The risk of C. auris infection to otherwise healthy people is very low.
Risk factors for C. auris include:
Prolonged exposure to healthcare settings
Exposure to broad spectrum antibiotics
Serious chronic medical conditions
Indwelling medical devices (e.g., Foley catheters, central lines, ventilators).
How is C. auris transmitted?
C. auris is spread through contact with infected or colonized people, especially during contact with skin, wounds, or devices.
C. auris can be shed into healthcare environments by colonized people and can persist for weeks.
Protect yourself and your patients by cleaning your hands and wearing gowns and gloves
How long does C. auris persist in the environment?
C. auris can survive on surfaces for weeks. Patient rooms and other areas where a patient with C. auris has received care (e.g., Radiology) must be disinfected daily.
Environmental Services uses Oxycide for daily and terminal cleaning
Nursing staff should use Dispatch bleach wipes for reusable patient care equipment and surfaces
Shared equipment (e.g., ventilators, physical therapy equipment) must be disinfected prior to use by another patient.
How can I protect my patients?
Patients from Kindred Hospital Santa Ana will be proactively decolonized with nasal iodophor and daily chlorhexidine bathing. All patients at UCI who are in Contact Precautions are automatically ordered for decolonization. Strict adherence to hand hygiene and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is highly effective in preventing transfer of all drug resistant organisms, including C. auris.
Perform hand hygiene: before/after touching a patient or environment, before clean/aseptic procedures, and after body fluid exposure/risk.
Wear gowns & gloves. Ensure gowns are closed at the neck and waist, and gloves fit snugly over cuffs.
Gloves are NOT a substitute for hand hygiene! Clean hands between glove changes or after removal.
Mode of Transmission:
Examples of Transmission:
Signs and Symptoms:
Exposure Determination:
Immediately Following Exposure:
General Post Exposure Treatment:
2 PM Plan of Action:
2 AM Plan of Action:
Paperwork Required:
OC Public Health Communicable Disease Exposure Form (policy 330.96) with Fire incident number on top. Must be faxed while still in the hospital Fax: (714) 564-4050
OC Public Health Communicable Disease Exposure Form:
The City “Report of Employee Injury” form
Medical Service Order- RM -67 (when medical care is required)
Sharps Injury Log
Immediate telephonic reporting of suspected disease exposure must be made to OCHCA Epidemiology even prior to laboratory confirmation. Telephone: (714) 834-8180. For urgent reports on holidays, weekends, or after regular work hours, contact the public health official on call at (714) 628-7008