Burn Criteria
Base Contact required for a destination
< 10% BSA: cool with saline soaks
> 10% BSA: cool with saline soaks 10 min. max, cover with dry dressing,
cover w/ blanket
Albuterol for wheezing or bronchospasm
Morphine for pain
Fentanyl for pain
Triage to Burn Center (UCI or OC Global):
Suspected inhalation injury (burned in small confined space, facial burns, hoarseness, dyspnea, soot in mouth, carbonaceous sputum, singed nasal hairs)
High voltage/electric burns (including lightning injury)
Chemical burns
Burns involving face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, major joints
Circumferential burns
Major pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, renal failure, cardiac or pulmonary disease)
2nd Degree burns > 10% BSA in any age group
3rd Degree burns = Any 3rd Degree burn
Estimating burn surface %: Patient’s palm size = 1% burn
Chemical burns: Brush away any remaining dry chemical, irrigate burn wound and surrounding skin with copious and continuous water/saline to dilute and mechanically remove as much residual chemical as possible.
Some chemicals are activated by water/fluids and might worsen burn or create hazardous fumes (e.g. sodium phosphorus, acetyl bromide, aluminum carbide, silicon tetrachloride).